[kde-russian] Fwd: Re: kdex.dtd

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Ср Апр 24 03:46:14 MSD 2002

Важно! Переводчикам документации письмо. Как всегда, кому непонятно,
спрашивайте. Скоро буду в Москве.


This is a forwarded message
From: Lauri Watts <lauri на kde.org>
To: kde-i18n-doc на mail.kde.org
Date: Tuesday, April 23, 2002, 2:59:27 PM
Subject: kdex.dtd

===8<==============Original message text===============
On Tuesday 23 April 2002 12.47, Erik Kjжr Pedersen wrote:
> Apparently there is an updated version of kdex.dtd What do I have to do so
> that my meinproc can compile the docbooks again? Is it enough to update
> kdelibs in the KDE_3_0_BRANCH, or can it only be compiling kdelibs from

At the moment, the documentation in HEAD is the new DTD, and the documentation 
in the BRANCH is the previous DTD.

The DTD's are in kdelibs/kdoctools/customization/

If you already have HEAD installed, you should be able to compile documents 
from both the HEAD and BRANCH (because both DTD's are valid)

If you have KDE_3_0_BRANCH installed, you will not be able to compile 
documents from HEAD, because you don't have the new DTD.  

You could probably safely update just that directory to HEAD, and install it, 
but I haven't actually tried, so your mileage may vary.

Lauri Watts

I've sent a message on the list about that some time ago.

You must install the version of kdelibs/kdoctools from HEAD. It will work for 
the branch too. If you don't want to compile/install, all you have to do is 
symlink :

        $KDEDIR/share/apps/ksgmltools2/customization -> 

        $KDEDIR/share/apps/ksgmltools2/docbook -> 

(use the HEAD kdelibs to symlink, of course)

I forgot to say : even if you can backport translated po files from HEAD to
the KDE 3.0.1 branch, don't forget to re-run ./update_xml in the KDE 3.0.1 
branch. Otherwise the problem suspected by Erik (recent FPI with old kdelibs) 
will happen. Perharps my explanations were not clear.

In any case, it's always sane to do a separate ./update_xml for each branch 


Hi all,

This is your (usually quiet) docbook team speaking ;-).

In HEAD branch, we just changed the FPI of all English docs. The FPI changes 
as follows:

"-//KDE//DTD DocBook XML V4.1-Based Variant V1.0//EN"


"-//KDE//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2-Based Variant V1.1//EN"

The major change is the removal of some out of date entities (applications 
that have changed their name, for example).

The old FPI is still valid, and will be for some time to come. We won't change 
any existing docbook file in kde-i18n. We expect the translated documentaions 
to move progressively to the new FPI each time someone regenerates them with 

So what are the consequences for you? Well, it's only if you want to render 
the docbook files to HTML, for example by using meinproc. In that case, it 
won't work anymore. To fix that, all you have to do is to update your copy of 
kdelibs, and to copy the directories

and     customization/

from    kdelibs/kdoctools/

to      $KDEDIR/share/apps/ksgmltools2/

(Doing symlinks to the right directories in an updated kdelibs also solves the 
problem. Same if you have the courage to configure, make and make install in 
an updated kdelibs)

If you don't need to render the docs, then you are not concerned.

Nothing changes in the corrections branch. So these changes won't affect KDE 
3.0.1, they will just concern KDE 3.1.

Thanks for your attention and understanding.

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