[kde-russian] Kopete 12 translation

Daniel Dotsenko dd на accentsolution.com
Сб Окт 28 08:34:33 MSD 2006

----------  Forwarded Message  ----------

Subject: Re: [kopete-devel] Is it ok to start translating 12.x now?
Date: Friday 27 October 2006 21:11
From: Matt Rogers <mattr на kde.org>
To: kopete-devel на kde.org
Cc: Daniel Dotsenko <dd на accentsolution.com>

On Friday 27 October 2006 16:30, Daniel Dotsenko wrote:
> In light of the previous discussion:
> http://lists.kde.org/?l=kopete-devel&m=115132472414795&w=2
> http://lists.kde.org/?l=kde-i18n-doc&m=115133282032268&w=2
> http://lists.kde.org/?l=kopete-devel&m=115133318904952&w=2
> (Summary: "no one set up translation thing yet")
> Was this resolved? Which tree should we start translating?

Translate the stable l10n tree as you would for a KDE 3.5.x release. They
contain Kopete 0.12.x now


Danil Dotsenko

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