[kde-russian] Fwd: Percentage usage

Alexander Potashev aspotashev на gmail.com
Чт Янв 16 01:28:41 MSK 2014


Ниже письмо из международной рассылки переводчиков (kde-i18n-doc).

А действительно, согласно статье в Википедии [1], знак процента в
русском языке должен отделяться неразрывным пробелом. Думаю, надо
исправить, только прямо сейчас у меня нет возможности из-за
ограничений территориального покрытия интернет-провайдера.

Alexander Potashev

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Burkhard Lück <lueck at hube-lueck.de>
Date: 2014/1/15
Subject: Re: Percentage usage
To: volkangezer at gmail.com, KDE i18n-doc <kde-i18n-doc at kde.org>

Am Mittwoch, 15. Januar 2014, 15:26:40 schrieb Volkan Gezer:
> In some applications, we can change the position of % sign by moving
> "%%" into specific place, but for most of the applications,  we
> cannot: e.g. brightness change, percentage of extaction, installation,
> moving, copying a file. This is especially when the "%" sign is not a
> part of a text and contains only a number next to it.
That is a bug

> The problem in Turkish (and probably the Turkic languages as well, but
> not sure) is that we use the percentage sign before number in contrast
> to other European languages. As a result, 50% should have been %50.
Similar for german, where there is an additional space between number and
percent sign.

> Is there any way to change this globally?


> Is this a KDE or Qt issue?

It is an i18n bug if the percent sign is not included in the msgid, so please
report this on b.k.o.

Btw. do you have an example of such a bug?

Burkhard Lück

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