[kde-russian] Fwd: Translations of new KDE forum

Gregory Mokhin =?iso-8859-1?q?mok_=CE=C1_kde=2Eru?=
Вт Авг 26 18:08:04 MSD 2008

Пересылаю в рассылку письмо, которое пришло мне на личный адрес.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Rob la Lau <kde на ohreally.nl>
Date: Tue, Aug 26, 2008 at 5:55 PM
Subject: Translations of new KDE forum

This mail was sent to people who are listed as team coordinators of the
KDE translation teams for Arabic (ar), Azeri (az), French (fr),
Hungarian (hu), Persian (Farsi, fa), Polish (pl), Russian (ru), Spanish
(es) and Turkish (tr) at http://i18n.kde.org. If you are not the person
who should be receiving this mail, please forward it to the correct
person or let us know, so we can find another address.

We (the people in the Cc and myself) are in the process of setting up a
new forum for the KDE community. The spoken language at the board will
be english, since we serve an international community. The interface of
the board software we chose, however, is available in the forementioned
languages, which we unfortunately don't speak (plus english, german and
dutch, which we do speak).

My question to you, now, is whether you or someone from your translation
team would be willing to check the interface translations for us. For
right-to-left languages we would also like to know whether the RTL
features of the board are okay. If you reply to this mail with the
email address of a person who would be willing to help out, it would be
much appreciated, and we will send him/her the address of the pilot
board we have set up.

Thanks for your time,
 Rob la Lau
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